Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Mother's Day

Today was wonderful. J made sure I had an extra special mother's day and took over all of the morning feedings so I could sleep in, for the first time in a year! The girls gave me a table and chair set for the deck which I am very excited about. Now that the weather is so nice we will use it often.

Better then all the presents and sleep was the fact that today I got to celebrate being a mom. I have to beautiful girls who are healthy (minus an ear infection) and growing and happy. While everyday I hope that I show them how much I love them and that I help guide them and help them to grow like my mother did for me, today I also celebrate all that they have given me.

They have shown me that I can love more then I ever thought I could. They give me snuggles while eating or rocking at night. S's giggles and her little bottom up in the air when she sleeps. L's clappy feet and her little happy dance. The bouncy, chatty, wiggly fun we have when we play. The pure delight at discovering something new or when I pick them up from daycare or wake them in the morning. The slobbery kisses and inquisitive eyes. Learning with them and watching them grow. They are so perfect and I am lucky to be their mama.

So happy mother's day to my mom and to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mothers Day a little late...sweet girls you have!!
